My clients come to see me with primarily four types of challenges.

They are feeling something they don’t want to feel.

They are doing something they don’t want to do.

They are NOT doing something they need to do.

They want to do something better.

Although each of these problems show up differently in individuals, ultimately the challenge is the same…HOW DO I CHANGE?

They say things like, “I want to …”

Reduce My Stress
Be More Confident
Get Healthy
Lose Weight
Stop Smoking
Get Rid of Worry and Anxiety
Conquer My Fears
Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Have Better Personal Relationships
Improve My Communication
Perform Better at Work
Advance My Career
Be a Powerful Leader
Get Along Better With My Co-workers/Boss
Achieve More Work-Life Balance

Really, anything that holds them back from living their happiest, healthiest life imaginable.

All of these problems start with a thought. The thought may be a conscious one or and unconscious one…either way, the whole process begins with a thought or series of thoughts.

So….Don’t Believe Everything You Think!

We Really Think a Lot…

We have an average of 60,000 thoughts a day. 95% of them are the same thoughts that we repeat every day. As if that’s not bad enough, about 80% of those habitual thoughts are negative.

The great thing is that we can change our thoughts and learn a new, positive way to think.

I will teach you how to change your thoughts which will ultimately change your life and your world!  Inspired Success Programs create powerful positive change that’s inspired by you!  It’s holistic and completely natural…and you are in the driver’s seat…I’m riding shotgun. 😊

My integrative approach allows me to drawn upon various modalities and tools, including Professional Coaching, Hypnosis Counseling, Positive Psychology, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), HeartMath Thought Science, and Leadership Development.

Each program is custom designed and unique to every client. Together, we co-create strategies and a clear path to help you break-through the barriers that are getting in the way of achieving the goals in your life. Breaking free from old patterns of limiting thoughts and beliefs creates space for powerful, positive changes and lasting results. Our programs may incorporate individual sessions, group classes and tools to practice on your own.

Many of our clients look for help to lose weight, quit smoking, manage stress and anxiety, gain more confidence and conquer fears, improve performance and break free of unwanted habits. However, we’re able to create and design custom programs for anything that may be holding you back in your life or career. Often, after having achieved success in one area, my clients return to address other areas where they are dissatisfied or they want to improve!

Think, Believe and Achieve…Get Inspired Success and Create Positive Powerful Change Inspired By You! The results are transformational!